3 WORDS that stop you from achieving your goals

3 WORDS that stop you from achieving your goals

3 WORDS that stop you from achieving your goals

Each of us has our own perception of the world and knowledge gained over time. We all have successes to our credit, too, and you may not even realize how much you’ve already accomplished in your life. You may even have something you’re proud of and know you can achieve your goals. But no matter what situation in life you’re in, you can get caught up in three words that you say or think. They can hold you back and block you from achieving further success.

What are these three words? “I know it.”

Let me explain what’s going on here. Many of us have our own opinions on topics such as how to act, talk, move, or think. Unfortunately, it’s often the case in life that we’re wrong about some things and do them wrong, often unconsciously throughout our entire lives. For example, how you talk to others at work, how you behave, what you eat for breakfast, and how you react in different situations. The most important question is whether you can see the bigger picture and think about whether what you’re doing can’t be done differently.

When you say, “I know it”, you may close yourself off to new knowledge and opportunities in your life. The fact that you know something now does not mean that this knowledge will be up-to-date and useful in a month or five years Unfortunately, I often encounter people who are so sure of their knowledge and beliefs that they no longer listen to anyone who says otherwise. This applies to all aspects of life — from work to private life. How few people can listen and try to look at the world from a perspective different than their own? Unfortunately, acknowledging ignorance requires stepping out of our comfort zone. However, this is the only way to succeed and achieve new things.

Are you a pussy or a tough guy?

I am not talking about representatives of my gender, but about all people. I mean your ego. Can you admit your mistakes? Can you say that you don’t know how to do something, or that you made a mistake? Maybe your ego wants to defend itself at all costs and show everyone that you are right?

Over time, when we achieve our first successes, we can become arrogant. This attitude should not be confused with self-confidence, because self-confidence is something we need very much in our lives, and it helps us to succeed. Arrogance, on the other hand, can make us deaf to new information, to knowledge and to what other people think. If arrogance become your lifestyle, you will close yourself to all new things and stop learning.

You should not close your mind. In achieving fulfilment, success and joy in life, it is necessary to acquire knowledge, experience — daily growth and development. However, remember, people learn new things differently and learning requires expanding your comfort zone.

Working in the restaurant industry, I have had to deal hundreds of times with people who were proving their points at all costs without being able to let go. In situations of disagreement or when you have a different opinion about something, your ego comes into play, and it does not allow you to listen. People often attack others just to avoid acknowledging they were wrong.

Keeping an open mind

There is a lot to learn from others, especially from those better than you. I myself wanted to help a lot of people on the issues I knew. However, often these people did not just want to listen. What is your religion? What diet do you use? Do have a regular job, or do you run your own business? No matter what your answers are, but it is important whether you can look at your beliefs from another perspective. Can you learn new things every day despite your knowledge, beliefs and experiences? Even those that are uncomfortable for you. Much of this discomfort stems from the fact that any lookout to the world that differs from yours can hit your ego, which may defend itself against being challenged.

I do not even want to say how many times I catch myself doing the same, and I do not let new things to happen. However, I try to fight it regularly. Perhaps the people around you are stuck in a ‘school-study-work’ pattern? Perhaps nobody has told you that it is worth going further to try something new and interesting. Maybe this will help you make changes in your life? Maybe you are stuck in isolation with your beliefs and opinion? The greatest people in the world spend a huge part of their time reading and learning, while they could lie on the beach and do nothing.

That is why having an open mind that is eager to learn is important. By learning something new every day, you can open new doors, and over time you will go very far.

3 WORDS that stop you from achieving your goals — listen to the podcast

3 WORDS that stop you from achieving your goals — watch the video

00:00:00,520 –> 00:00:03,542
Hi I’m Tomek. From Waiter To Millionaire.

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Welcome to my video.

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Today, I’ll tell you about 3 words that
prevent you from achieving your goals,

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won’t let you be successful

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or change your life for the better.

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These words are making it harder
to achieve success.

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Before I reveal the words,
a short introduction.

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Each of us has achieved
some kind of success in life.

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Like learning how to walk, talk and read.

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Maybe you’ve opened a business,
graduated or something similar.

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You already have
some experience and knowledge.

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You understand
the topics in a certain expertise.

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Whatever has happened to you in life,
either good or bad,

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has made you
and shaped your worldview.

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So, I’m getting to the point.
What are these 3 words?

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These 3 words are: “I know this”.

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So, you think you know something
and stop learning because of that.

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This is the biggest mistake,

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especially for people
who’ve already achieved something.

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Because when we’re successful
and our life seems to be fine,

00:01:21,040 –> 00:01:25,850
we think that we know everything
and don’t need to learn.

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And that’s the biggest problem.

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We stop developing, learning
and in this way

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we prevent ourselves from being
more successful.

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I often emphasize that my message,

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my motto is learning, development
and being curious about the world.

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Maybe you’ve achieved something
and shut yourself from the world,

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saying “I know this”?

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You may have noticed in your behaviour
or in other people that they often

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are certain about their knowledge
and don’t seek new opportunities.

00:02:05,640 –> 00:02:08,943
For example, there can be a conflict

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in which people firmly stick to their
opinion, point of view,

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so they defend their ego,
being unable to admit mistake.

00:02:19,120 –> 00:02:21,542
Are you able to admit faults

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or that you didn’t know something,

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or even that you were wrong about it?

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Maybe you were arguing with someone

00:02:31,586 –> 00:02:37,685
and clearly saw that one side
was mistaken about some issue,

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while being unable to admit it.

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Sadly, we do it very often
in every aspect of our lives.

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Whether it’s business-related or else.

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We often make the same mistakes,
as we’re not able to admit to our ego

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that we don’t know something
or that we behave badly.

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That’s because it weakens us
and shows that we’re weak.

00:03:04,972 –> 00:03:09,514
Can you admit that you don’t know
how to do something

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or that you’re afraid of something?

00:03:12,430 –> 00:03:16,786
Many people think they know
everything and refuse to listen.

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That’s their biggest problem.

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They don’t try to acquire knowledge
or listen to people

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who’re often wiser than them.

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I saw this harmful tendency not only
in others, but also in me.

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When I’ve started my online business,
I thought I had all the answers.

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When I published my first book,
I thought I knew a lot,

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because I’ve learned about Amazon
that it’s a great market.

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I’ve published my book there,

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basing on my insufficient knowledge
at that time.

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Of course, it turned into a fiasco,
as I explained it in other video.

00:04:03,000 –> 00:04:07,919
However, I wasn’t able to admit
my lack of knowledge.

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I was afraid to admit that I can’t.

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I was afraid to invest money
in courses to gain knowledge then,

00:04:16,372 –> 00:04:22,114
so I preferred spending a few thousand PLN
for this unprofitable book,

00:04:22,115 –> 00:04:26,300
than buying a simple course
for 100-150 $,

00:04:26,301 –> 00:04:31,860
the one which provided me with
incredibly valuable knowledge

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and costing only a fraction of the sum
that I spent on my failed book.

00:04:38,480 –> 00:04:42,428
Therefore, be curious like kids,
be able to admit

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that you lack knowledge or skills.

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Don’t be afraid to admit
in front of someone or yourself

00:04:49,814 –> 00:04:54,057
that what you think
and what you know is still nothing,

00:04:54,058 –> 00:04:57,220
that you want to learn new things.

00:04:57,240 –> 00:05:01,100
The key to achieving
your goals and to grow

00:05:01,120 –> 00:05:03,156
is a constant learning.

00:05:03,157 –> 00:05:09,314
Gaining knowledge, searching for it
and trying to improve your skills.

00:05:09,315 –> 00:05:14,500
As I look at my co-workers now
or even when I was a waiter,

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I notice that many businessmen
or other people

00:05:20,400 –> 00:05:27,170
have stayed in their comfort zone
for so long, e.g. in running business,

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and did things according to old patterns,
while newcomer were shocked

00:05:32,929 –> 00:05:39,129
how the company functions,
how the payments are being made,

00:05:39,129 –> 00:05:41,443
how it’s all organized.

00:05:41,444 –> 00:05:45,686
Everything was slower
and done in a more primitive way.

00:05:45,687 –> 00:05:49,829
There are things that can be
easily improved in your life.

00:05:49,830 –> 00:05:55,879
Whether it’s business, nutrition,
health, sleeping or excercising.

00:05:55,880 –> 00:05:59,671
You can easily change
everything for the better.

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You can improve by making
small investments.

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Or even for free,
as it’s a matter of strong will.

00:06:06,344 –> 00:06:10,180
You can improve in everyday tasks
to be successful.

00:06:10,200 –> 00:06:14,743
Don’t be afraid to change,
to learn something or to be curious.

00:06:14,744 –> 00:06:18,798
Admit that sometimes you’re an idiot
who has to learn.

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Don’t be afraid to admit
mistake, ignorance.

00:06:22,040 –> 00:06:24,560
Seek knowledge and new solutions.

00:06:24,560 –> 00:06:28,480
You’ll see how fast you’re gonna improve,

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how you’ll unburden from
this baggage of wrong solutions.

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and how successful you’ll become.

00:06:36,480 –> 00:06:40,598
If you’ve enjoyed this video,
please subscribe.

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Watch my other videos and subscribe me.

00:06:43,520 –> 00:06:45,940
I’d appreciate a thumbs up.

00:06:45,960 –> 00:06:48,757
Wish you all the best and see you soon.

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