
Is it worth to take an online course in 2024?

Is it worth to take an online course

In my previous posts and videos, I mentioned how important it is to  invest in yourself and in personal development. Not long ago, I listened to a podcast by one of my foreign mentors. It was a podcast about investing. It covered topics such as starting a business, investing in real estate, buying stocks on the stock exchange, and much more.

However, the most important area for investment turned out to be investing in yourself. Subconsciously, I knew this, but realizing this fact made me think a lot and understand where my biggest successes came from and how to achieve my next goals.

Online courses—which courses do I use?

It started a few years ago with a foreign course that taught me how to run a business on Amazon by publishing eBooks and books. I was very afraid to invest money in my first online courseI didn’t know if the money spent would pay off and if I could trust someone. I was worried that the person selling the course just wanted to take my money and sell me knowledge that is easily available for free, or that it would be worthless knowledge.

Before I even took the online course on Amazon, I published my first book without any specialized knowledge. The book turned out to be a failure and is people buy it very rarely to this day. By the way, it was my only book published under my real name and titled Krakow Party Guide.

However, I decided not to give up and invested in knowledge, purchasing an online Amazon course. I published two books at the same time using the knowledge gained from the course. One of them turned out to be a failure again, but the other started very well. Its sales remained at a very good level and after about two months, it became a bestseller on Amazon.

The cost of the course and the previous unsuccessful products paid off within a few weeks, and my book continued to earn money. Writing these words several years later, I still receive passive income from this bestselling book.

What is the lesson learned? Certainly, that it’s not worth giving up, despite initial failures. Above all, investing in knowledge helped me succeed and I started earning my first money in the global market by publishing books on Amazon.

Then, there were more products, some sold better, and some a little worse. However, I continued to learn and publish new products on Amazon in the form of eBooks and paperback books. See more about publishing books on Amazon here  and sign up for a completely free Amazon course.

My Amazon business opened up new opportunities for me. At that time, in one of the Facebook groups, I met my mentor from Belgium, who taught me for free how to become a publisher on Amazon. From him, I learned the most important publishing strategies and how to publish books in large quantities at the lowest possible cost. If it weren’t for the first investment in an online course and the first step into the unknown, I would have never “met” this guy, and today I wouldn’t have over 550 books on Amazon. 

This business changed my whole life and allowed me to earn more. Above all, I gained the conviction that I can publish books and do it successfully. My passion for books and interest in online business resulted in a business that is well suited to me. The desire for development and learning led me to start my blog. This is just a small example of how a bold decision to acquire initial knowledge eventually leads to such unexpected and wonderful results.

Online courses are knowledge in a nutshell

Despite the fact that the internet offers a wealth of free knowledge, unfortunately, it is often outdated knowledge. Furthermore, it is difficult to find information professionally gathered and presented in a clear manner. Why do you think sellers expect payment for online courses? Well, it’s because acquiring this knowledge often took years of work and preparing an online course in a way that allows for convenient use requires a lot of effort. You can never expect someone to create a great course for you, dedicating a month of their time and providing knowledge acquired over the years completely for free.

Creating my blog also required me to learn many new things. Learning WordPress (creating websites and blogs) and creating online courses  also required time and money from me. In this case, I also invested in online courses for creating WordPress websites and dedicated months to learning.

Without investing in knowledge, it would have taken me ten times longer, and I probably would have given up along the way without the proper support. Do you think that investing in a WordPress course for a few hundred dollars was a good investment in this case?

Everything shown step by step

In each of the courses I have taken, I gained knowledge that showed me step by step how to achieve certain goals. By publishing my first books, I learned how to execute each step in sequence and how to generate a steady income from book sales. I would never have been able to publish my first books well if a very experienced person hadn’t shown me how to perform each task in sequence and how to do it well.

Furthermore, without someone’s mentoring, I wouldn’t have believed that what I was doing made sense. Having someone (even virtually) who has already achieved certain things allows you to believe that you can manage too. Why do you think athletes have their coaches? A good coach will show you the knowledge gained over the years and motivate you to take action in difficult moments. Thanks to them, you will believe in success and not give up along the way.

I recently joined a year-long course that teaches how to run a business and how to invest in real estate. It wasn’t cheap, costing me $300 dollars. Do you think that’s a lot? Someone who is just starting their business venture may think it’s a huge amount, which additionally doesn’t guarantee any return. There is never a guarantee—everything depends on your hard work and belief in success. However, if you base your work on good and relevant knowledge, success will be closer than you may think.

Do online courses guarantee success?

Every good online course shows step by step how to complete certain tasks. However, is there any guarantee of success? Of course not. Why is it that one student publishes fifty books with my course, while another want a refund for the course after a week because, after watching a few lessons (without taking any action), they find it too difficult?

I always say that everything depends on your belief in your abilities. I can only guarantee that without the right knowledge, you will certainly get discouraged because you will make the simplest mistakes that I dealt with a long time ago. However, even with the best knowledge, if you don’t believe in your own abilities, you won’t accomplish anything, as you probably won’t take any steps towards your business.

The most important factor for success, apart from knowledge, is simply taking action. In order to be more motivated to take action try my morning affirmations. You have to act, attack, try, fail, and try again. You can’t be passive. You have to actively take actions every day towards improving your life.

If you think that creating your own business in any form is easy, you may quickly become disillusioned. The good news is that if it were easy, everyone would have their own business and be making a fortune. Only with faith in your own abilities and the right amount of knowledge will you be able to work systematically and, most importantly, effectively.


is it worth to take an online course

Is it worth to take an online course in 2024? — watch the video

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